Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The Battle Before Us

An all-out war (metaphorical of course) is being waged on us. Most of us have no idea that this is even happening, but I can guarantee you that is has only just begun. The battle ground is right in front of your face. In fact, I would venture a guess that you have looked at it since you began reading this paragraph.  Have I shaken you yet? Good.

The landscape has change drastically over the last decade, and exponentially in the last five years. The advent of the in-home entertainment system, the man cave, the "you-can-see-the-sweat-dripping-off-of-them" HDTV has made the job of college and professional athletics harder. The opportunity cost of attending a game vs. watching it on your television, tablet, phone or through live updates has become closer to even. That, coupled with the crippling economy, has been the driving force of this war.

Technology has been the metaphorical "nuclear bomb" of this war. The televisions, networks, social media and devices that have become such an integral part of our lives have also allowed for the sport industry to evolve and find new revenue streams. While these streams are valuable in their own right, they have taken away from the live event. Games and events are the bread and butter of the industry. While some organizations have struggled more than others, we cannot deny that attendance and involvement have become an issue.

I used the term "nuclear bomb" for a reason. We all know the historical context of its use. After the bomb was dropped, Japan had two options; fight back or give up. I see those two options as well. We as sport professionals must "fight back" by working with these technologies, using them to our advantage and using them to make our product as attractive as possible. Over the next three weeks I will outline three ways to fight back.

We can win this war and make the opposition work for us at the same time.

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